9 de April de 2020


In view of the health emergency situation, Romero Polo is carrying out several collaborative actions along with public institutions and social agents, with the aim of selflessly contributing to mitigate the effects of Covid-19.

Among the actions carried out, Romero Polo has reached out to city and county councils and other entities to carry out the disinfection of public roads in more than 78 municipalities. This altruistic initiative has managed to serve more than 90.000 inhabitants in areas where the company has also offered the delivery of disinfection products.

Likewise, Romero Polo’s street cleaning service and urban waste collection concessionaire, ILNET, has carried out disinfection tasks in the city of Lleida, where it has reinforced its actions in around 90 points considered of high influx. The company also offers breakfast, snacks and drinks to all essential services workers at its Lleida service station.

Moreover, in the field of construction, Romero Polo has placed its capabilities, resources and personnel in transport, logisticas, construction and maintenance support at the service of public administrations and different entities.

The company is focused on the development of public services that are especially essential at this time, such as health center cleaning. Thanks to the commitment of all Romero Polo’s staff, maintenance services are continued on a regular basis for sanitary facilities, penitentiary centers, stations and various public facilities with the aim of guaranteeing citizens’ well-being.