22 de February de 2019


February, 2019.- Ilnet, UTE formed by Romero Polo and Valoriza Medioambiente, a subsidiary of Sacyr, has been awarded by the Lleida City Council with the Solidarity Company 2019 Prize, for its involvement in social action projects in the city. The company has been recognized by the Association Reintegra Lleida, for the labor integration of groups with social vulnerability.

The award ceremony, chaired by the Ilmo. Mr. Fèlix Larrosa, Mayor of Lleida, was held on February 20 in the Paeria Sessions Hall, coinciding with the International Day of Social Justice.

About Romero Polo
The company manages the road collection and cleaning service of the city of Lleida, as well as the collection of waste from the Aran Valley and the management of the Segrià waste treatment plant, among others. It also deals with the maintenance of infrastructures, installations and energy services such as the management of public lighting or the development of projects related to energy efficiency.